Monday, October 08, 2007


There is a part of myself I bury.
But even with my best intentions
My Mars nature surfaces from time to time.
It's hard to balance outrage with common sense.
But - It's a battle my placid side keeps well in check.
Every now and again I have to count to 20 instead of 10.
And sometimes that isn't enough.

Someone put the boot in, and I wasn't ready to lie down.
It wasn't even my battle - I was oblivious to the war.
But - He thought he was scoring.
So, an arrogant ass goes out of his way to ruin a beautiful day.

But when I counted to 30, and discussed it with my peers
(with little restraint - and much truth - unfortunately).
I now realise I was afforded a gift: his character.

So the phone rings tonight - and I hit silent
Not the bumping kind I'm afraid - always so proper: I regret.
I give so much every day
I'm not going to waste another day,
When I could be helping someone
Worth my time.

It's been a long time between storms.
I think tomorrow, another beautiful day is in order.


ren powell said...

wish i'd learn how not to waste my time with anger like that

Mark J said...

If only we could harness that energy in a constructive way.It's an energy source we seem to have in abundance - sadly.

Di Mackey said...

did you take that photograph mark???

if so, it seems rather stunning.
just taking a wee break from flanders fields, back out there soon, then we must skype. sorry to be so gone.

Mark J said...

Would be good to chat - as always :)