Sunday, January 15, 2006



I like this bit :)

Often Characterized by seahorses, children, and toys. Whimsy is usually lost by the age of 15 when it is replaced by emotions that are meant to be mature but are actually far more immature than whimsy.

Seahorses, children and toys? - Oh.. my.. god...

Dont know why - perhaps the humidity or the temperature - or perhaps a combo deal. Either way if the humidity doesnt drop my mood may move from whimsy to homicidal rage - like the feeling i get when I see that dropkick who does the $10 TXT promo for Telecom on TV.

Every time i see him I hope (against hope) that he never ever gets laid - he is ghastly I tell you - ghastly.

In the meantime I might just go restore another Ford Capri - arrrrghhhh - no.... thats just the masochism talking.

If i could just stop the bizzare dreams that always seem to come with the warmer temperatures. Normally I dont remember my dreams - and right now I could do with a bit more of that.

Peace out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your just sore that Vodafone didnt come up with that campaign! The humidity's great it really brings out those curls!