Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Magic of the "the"

So.... now I'm a member, I have been looking around the Find Somebody web site, and have been shown the first 100 matchings. Frankly I believe the matching program must be a bit screwy because God knows there aren't 100 women out there who could put up with me! I suspect I may need to look at ammending my profile - and NO - no one here gets a link to that.

With these interweb dating thingies you get to send "smiles", which is way way cheaper than sending flowers - but I guess - just as stalky.

Now I haven't put a photo of myself up yet, the reasons are many and complex. If i was to dig through all the reasons and hazard a guess why, the answer would have to be either

a) To piss off Scrabble Queen.
b) Because I have to find "the" photo.

"The" is an understated word in the English language. Getting "the" car park right next to the entrance when you're late to the pictures. Finding "the" combination of fillings for that perfect Subway sandwich. In both these instances the "the" I'm talking about may not be the same thing next time. The second time you taste the magical combo you created - it just doesn't taste the same, and the sad fact is: it never will. Never underestimate the power of "the".

In no way do i think relationships are like this, in fact I'm glad they aren't. Imagine meeting "the" woman only to find the next day (or the next year) again the magical combo wasn't the same, and that the lovely woman you fell in love with was really a sadistic troll with tourette's syndrome.

Now I'm nowhere near jaded, but when someone says "Why get Married? - Just find a woman you hate, then buy her a house", I wonder if I'm on a hiding to nothing.

It's times like these I try to think of the happily married Tumorboy and Scrabble Queen, and the look of adoration on her face, as he "throws" the weekly scrabble game and lets her make the "victory" cup of tea at the end of the night. I of course, ignore the intervening hours when they almost come to blows over silly things like the time taken to make a move, or if the word is allowed. You cant beat that sort of entertainment, as a spectator to this I have to say it's unrivalled, perhaps going even as far to say: it's "the" best.


Anonymous said...

Nice! But hurry your white arse up and get the bloody photo on there!!!

Anonymous said...

We can't wait....

Mark J said...

White arse?

Dont let the girls at the tanning emporium hear you say that. :)

Mark J said...

I'm sure Xtal would agree?

The alure of cheap hookers, and even cheaper motel rooms, coupled with the increasing risk of an STD aside, I find increasingly compelled to avoid the trappings of a sucessful knobbing ratio in favour of a more idealised, if not more unrealisic notion - A notion of romance and some higher meaning. Whilst Darwin may not agree with this ideal, and possibly side with you, I remain ever hopefull, that you and IG will drop the pretense of rougish behavior, and admit what you truely are: Gentlemen one and all.

Anonymous said...

I've got a photo you could use, you look very smart, you will have to get matt to photoshop it to get rid of the mullet, but I think it will work...

Anonymous said...

Heres to you Mark for amditting that you have looked or are looking into the on line dating thing. There should be more guys like you out there Mark - guys who are willing to give almost anything a go to find "the" one. Whether its putting a criptic personal add in the local paper containing details only a certain person would recognise or sending flowers anonymously. Shagging is good - don't get me wrong, try before you buy is my moto - but don't shy away from opportunities just because the woman sitting across from you dosen't look like Meg Ryan. Remember: There is no such thing as "the" perfect woman and Beauty is in "the" eye of the beholder. Broaden your horizons Mark . What you seek may be right in front of you.

Frankie said...

I dunno, Mark...you've always seemed quite charming to me!

Mark J said...

Finally! - someone on this blog showing some class :)

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking lots about this ever since t.....r mentioned seeing a phone book when we were overseas, the yellow pages had a large section dedicated to ladys of the night(not vampires), it had phone numbers,photoshopped pictures and prices, it was the prices that were the most interesting. It made us think is a $1000 hooker 5 times better than a $200 hooker, if so how? and using the same logic is 5x$200 hookers equal to or greater than 1x$1000 hooker.....I'm unsure exactly how the maths works but I will post once I've worked out the best Hooker vs cost ratio.