Friday, June 08, 2007


Stressed? Not this cat!

Too many people I know are stressed - right now.
It's a sad comment on our reality - that so many of us live in a society that usually equates success with stress. Money is indeed a powerful motivator, and I am so much its prostitute.
All that said, being aware of the stress can be powerful motivation in itself. It can enable us to change our life direction, take up a healthy hobby, or appreciate those around us a little more.
Maybe it's time for that tropical holiday you promised yourself.

Oh - god - YES!!!

So when all is said and done; perhaps stress is the great enabler? - it enables us to achieve, and keep our life on track. It helps us survive when it may be simpler to curl up and die.
Regardless of what stress is to you, remember to take care of yourself, and in doing so, perhaps you'll come to realise that that tight feeling in your chest may not be stress after all - it could simply be a mild heart attack. :)

Take care NFG - my thoughts are with you. :)


Anonymous said...

Where is that beach I want to go there - I was just thinking about what kind of hellish day I am going to have and thought I would opt out for 5mins - Thanks I needed the reality check - work will still be here tommorrow and I can allow the stress to get me or take a break :-)

Mark J said...

The image is from an island in the South Pacific called Aitutaki. The reason I picked this particular image is because I actually lived there when I was 8 years old. I still remember the clear water, and the white coral beaches. I'm going to have to go back soon for a real holiday :)

Heres a URL link if you want to take a look - thanks for dropping by !