Monday, August 14, 2006

Everything old is new again

Today was the first week day I've had in Dunedin since April so I was busy catching up on all the stuff I couldn't do in the weekend. After a bit of a lie-in I headed off to see my Capri which is in storage. It was just as I left it; I connected the battery and started her up to make sure everything was going as it should - it was great seeing the old girl running again.
After that I visited my ex work-mates at Downer Engineering. It was really great to see all the people I used to work with. Nig's was in top form, and looked really great after what must have been a pretty shitty year for her. It's hard to believe it's nearly been four years since I've left, but in so many ways I'm a completely different person to the one who left all those years ago. Everything was still as I remember it, like I'd just been on a couple of weeks leave, due to start back there today. Obviously my Downers life is over, however the best part (i.e. the friendships), remain strong.
After lunch with Murray and Robbie I headed off to see Sandra and Keri. These two girls I've known for the longest time. I've blogged on Sandra here, and have yet to write about Keri - dont worry, I will when I get up the courage. Needless to say I really miss their company when I'm in Auckland - Keri for her no bull attitude and wicked sense of humour, and Sands because we have so much history together. Tim tams and afternoon tea behind me I headed off to see Craig (Keri's husband) to talk some bull (as guys do). I then rushed off to pick up my ski's (now prepared for next season), before racing off to Fairfield to help Mum and Dad move furniture around so they could get their new carpet put down tomorrow.
All in all a busy day, but the weird thing is this; it's like all the "old" experiences I had today have somehow been made new again. Perhaps the connections we make in this life renew with every revisit? Maybe each friend we cross paths with restores some bond, maybe in some way made stronger. It seems that even though I no longer live here, my friendships are as strong as ever.
Dunnoz rocks!

1 comment:

Di Mackey said...

Nice taste of home ... thanks :)