Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turn off the Media

Dont believe a damn word they say.

Not being a media darling myself, I can only report my brief dealings with the media - however I feel duty bound to state that they're all a bunch of lying bastards. Basically anytime I've had anything to do with something reported in the media - It's always wrong.

So if we do a media hatchet job on this article I can simply say - If they got it wrong with me they probably got it wrong with everything else. And for good measure I'll throw in a bit of bias, throw out any balance in the reporting, add a little sermon, before smiling a little self satisfied smirk, knowing I've done a good job.

And you know who we have to blame for this? Us!

I'm getting off this media train wreck, and suggest you follow my lead. The only way anything will change is if "they" lose their audience.

Start by not listening to the national news - you'll find that after a short withdrawl period, that you'll start walking with a spring in your step, and may catch yourself smiling in a shop window as you bound down the street - well on your way to getting a life.

There are great people in this world. In the real world not every Arab is a terrorist, and you wont be gunned down in a drive by shooting while heading to your local dairy for a milkshake.

Believe me - I didnt see it in the news... so it must be true

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