Sunday, November 20, 2005

Battlestar Galactica Season 2 - Fracking Amazing

Being the Sci-Fi geek I am - I have finished watching the first 10 episodes of Season 2.

When I heard they were re-making the classic Battlestar Galactica from my beloved 70's I was aghast. And that had the audacity to make Starbuck a girl!!

Fortunately I didnt join the bunch of freaks that call themselves GINO (Galactica in name only) and have jumped ship to the "New Generation" Galactica.

Simply put - this is the best thing (Si-Fi wise) I've seen on TV for some time, so much more substance than the fluff soap opera of "the original" Galactica.

Season 2 continues to get darker, and grittier. A warning to you all - the current season doesnt start again until January 2006 - so dont watch season2 episode 10 unless you can wait until then for conclusion to the mid season cliffhanger.

In the meantime did you know you can get directors comments on existing episodes but getting podcasts? By running them on you ipod (or a PC for the ipod challenged out there) whilst watching the episode on TV.

Ron Moore also has a blog - where sadder people than myself actually ask questions about the show. Do they not realise it's not REAL!!!

(of course it is - I know - I'm just covering my bases here)


Anonymous said...

It seems strange that a grown man would sit alone in his wookie suit and watch ten episodes of a si-fi all in a row... now you honestly tell me that isn't how it heppened.

Mark J said...

Rest assured - unlike GyroStan - I wasn't naked sitting in a leather chair at the time :)