Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sleeping and my Head

Another type of nightmare entirely

The first two nights back have been interesting to say the least.

On the first I dreamt I had entered into an arranged marriage.
I tried my hardest to be happy; after all she was a lovely girl, but at the end of the day I just had to admit my heart belonged to someone else - and no one else would do. But she was my wife, and she loved me, so in my dream I remained regardless.

In the morning I awoke with such a feeling of dread, it took almost all my energy to pull back the covers. Less than ten seconds later, when I realised it was all a dream I was so bloody happy...

Last night however, a different dream was delivered. This time I dreamt I was with a girl I really cared about. It felt right in so many ways, and when I awoke it felt like the weight of the previous "dream" had been lifted from my shoulders; it took almost no energy to pull back the covers. Ten seconds seconds later .... well you get the idea.

The funny thing about all this is that my mind has a way of getting the important messages to me, even when I don't seem to listen. In this instance I think what my dreams are telling me, is to be true to myself, and not to accept something I know wont make me happy.

So; more of the single life for me I guess - and believe it or not I'm pretty happy with that decision, given the current climate.

Sorry Mum and Shars - I can hear your sighs from here :)


Anonymous said...

You have it all wrong. Those dreams indicate that you are afraid of lemurs and you might have a secret balloon fetish

Mark J said...

Those lemurs are just waiting for me slip up I tell you!

Jacie said...

oh how very interesting! You must listen to your dreams especially when they are accompanied by strong emotions - they are definitely trying to tell you something - ignore them at your peril! Good news though is the order that you had the dreams in - I'd say there's reason to be optimistic....

Mark J said...

You play the cards you're dealt and never play anyone elses - dems the rules :)

Jule's Short Story said...

So which one looked like Rolf Harris?

Mark J said...

heh :)

The funny dream type thing is it wasn't about the faces, just the feeling - I honestly couldn't picture the first one at all .

Jule's Short Story said...

Yes, those dreams leave you feeling a bit disconcerted, a bit bemused. I've had a few lately, tied to change I suspect.

The second one, anyone you know?

Mark J said...

Heh - sorry - no comment on that one :)