Friday, March 09, 2007

My week in 15 seconds

It's been a crap week basically guys.

Everything came to a head on Thursday when we all met and told our immediate manager that unless he wanted the team to self destruct, they'd have to put a stop to the extreme workload we've been under.

Last week, one of our guys had a mild heart attack, and although that wasn't really works fault, we all wondered if we hadn't all pushed a bit hard this year. Just yesterday two of us pulled a 25 hour day. Work that one out!

The good news is our manager recognised that something had to happen, and now it looks like things will calm down a lot.

So hopefully now when another of my favourite characters in a TV show dies, it wont be such a big drama, and I wont go postal on ya.

I "borrowed" the following gif from one of the Battlestar Forums, and it pretty much sums up the week that was. The only difference is now I can smile about it.

Take care of yourselves - and enjoy the weekend. I know I will :)

1 comment:

Di Mackey said...

Am enjoying :)

Friends arriving for dinner soon, bottle of red Australian wine at hand ... life seems good xo