Monday, March 26, 2007

I get bothered about stuff.

Moustache's - what the hell ya hiding fella?
As if women find the moustache sexy. So you grow this slug of facial hair above your lip, and let it catch anything and everything that comes near your mouth or nose. It's fair to say that I simply don't trust moustache wearers, and frankly I hope the trend doesn't catch on - lest I become ever more un-hip. The thought of someone with a "mo" getting more than me is very depressing - mainly because this is actually happening.

Sidewalk Dining - So you wanna eat where people walk?
Not to be confused with Courtyard dining - I believe the coup de grace was suckering the public into eating on the sidewalk. I can just picture it - a restaurateur worried about how he's going to fit all his diners in. He discusses this with his head waiter, and he joking suggests they can sit them outside the restaurant on the sidewalk. Like that's going to work - how did we fall for it?

Inconsiderate drivers
Merging into a long lane of waiting traffic at the last minute because they rate themselves higher than those who wait in line. The merging creates that line mister. Why do normally nice people get into cars and become complete arseholes? Be nice - and unless your wife is about to have a damn baby in the back seat - just get into the damn line!
Do you drive your mother to church in that car?

Sorry - When you've got writers block, a rant is good for the soul. :)


Di Mackey said...

Moustaches ... think Magnum PI (okay, so it dates me but he's playing again now here in Belgium)

Yummm would be what any right-minded woman would think when faced with a Magnum PI thought ... okay, Tom Selleck.

Dining on the sidewalk ... I love it, dear Grinch. Specially when it's late at night, summer evening, good company ... go on.

Not touching the driver thing ... Belgian drivers truly terrify me with their attitudes on the road here ... experienced to be believed but I felt safer in Istanbul and Rome.

Mark J said...

Magnum PI fettish goes with the sidewalk dining Di. I rest my case!

Grinch? No toffee pops for you then! :)