Friday, September 14, 2007

Cheese Sandwich Post

I've always been incredibly stubborn; When I make my mind up it's hard to change. The problem isn't so much the not changing my mind part - It's how I come to the decision.

Take the Legends meeting yesterday. All the nominees were invited to a drinks and nibbles thing, and for some reason, I decided I wasn't going to go. Fortunately I worked until 5am on the day of the award "party" so turning up at work that day wasn't required - not that would have made a difference; It was just fortuitous that I didn't have to justify my decision to my workmates.

It isn't like this isn't an isolated incident either; at six years old I decided I didn't want to go to Martin Bridger's birthday party, and I didn't - even after being told about all the cake and lollies. What kind of kid would give up all that for an afternoon of play alone in his backyard ?

I was talking to Mum this evening, and when I asked her if I've always been stubborn, she mentioned the Martin Bridger thing without prompting, so for some reason it's stuck in both our minds for well over thirty years. Supposedly my Dad was the same about all the pomp and circumstance stuff, so perhaps at some level it's genetic. It would be nice to have a good excuse for being contrary. I get incredibly angry when I'm manipulated into something I don't want to do - even if it's for no good reason on my part.

Sorry Ren, I didn't make the final twenty.
That in itself is a source or relief to me, as I didn't really want to go on the trip; Any reason why? No idea at all.

NFG would probably say it was my Aries nature - I'd like to think she was right, it would be great to have something to blame all this "crazy" on. :)


ren powell said...

Well,crap. I was looking forward to that :-)

I do think it's inherited. It's me, and it's my oldest son. Both take it our leave at whims. I find it silly much of the time. Spending an hour getting dressed, then nibbling finger food while balancing papers and wine glass and clapping. Or spending an hour getting dressed and then getting smashed and the hour of preparation meaningless.
That's why people like us have internet, right?

Mark J said...

It's nice not to be alone - at least in this :)
I often wonder if my unwillingness to "network" limits my options sometimes..

ren powell said...

My comfort has always been, if I didn't enjoy doing what it takes to get there, I probably wouldn't enjoy it once I got there.

Mark J said...

Well said :)