Thursday, July 20, 2006

A good day

You know when you have a really good day? When things really flow together ? Like life was some kind of jigsaw puzzle, and someone gave you a preview of what the puzzle looked like after it was finished.

So today, more than any other, I was on my game. All questions from contractors answered without pause. A nasty fault found, and rectified with the help of Dufus. A satisfying sense that finally I was accomplishing something, and that what I do means something.

But (and there has to be a but) I've been waking up at 4am in the morning - my mind racing about the stupidest things. Like this morning; I wake wondering what the hell I'm going to do with the V6 Capri I'm planning to drop a V8 Lexus motor in over Christmas this year. Questions like - How am I going to fit that into my two week break over Christmas? How many years will this car take me to restore? How much restoration can I do myself ? And finally how often will I get to drive the damn thing when it's in Dunedin and I'm in Auckland?

Ahh - now you can see how my mind works. This isn't really a dream about car restoration - this is a subconscious reminder that I have to stop living in two cities, and a time is approaching where I have to commit to one lifestyle over another.

The decision isn't as easy as it first sounds, and commitment isn't my strongest suit.

Sorry about the run of serious posts... I'm going to blog on the original "Coffee Girl" soon, I just have to get her to sign a release first :)


Di Mackey said...

Why not compromise with Wellington?

Anyways, on a serious note, I don't envy you. Better skifields down south, nice little city down south, friends and family down south (although I still think you should hook up with a nice French girl) ... mmmm, okay, enough from me ... good luck.

Mark J said...

Wellington - absolutely positively NOT

French Girl? Ooh la la ! Merci bien!