Sunday, July 09, 2006


What is success? What makes a successful life?
An obvious answer to this age old question would perhaps be "To be happy"
But not to some.
If all around you is chaos and madness perhaps "being happy" is not within your immediate grasp. In cases like this perhaps other less "ideal based" answers would apply. In a life where failure is no longer an option (even failing an NCEA paper is deemed not attained), some of us cling more strongly to a "Darwinian concept" of success.
So, in short, to be successful in this life you must breed, and if possible marry beforehand.
Conversely - if your are single and childless, perhaps not all is lost - perhaps you're trying - but just haven't been successful yet.
This is the sort of crap some members of my family have to put up with - simply because two of us are not married, and all of us are childless.
Kids are great, and so is marriage, but they are not the be-all and end-all of our existence.
If I never marry and have children of my own I wont view my life as any less worthy.
And to hell with anyone who would disagree.


Anonymous said...

Stuff all of them, i reckon success is whatever you deem it to be. Happiness is big sure, but how many people married with kids or just kids are happy !!. I love not being married, I love not having kids, sure Im selfish but Im friggin happy.
Brad Ross

Anonymous said...

From one who cares little of what others think and often is at odds with people in general I concur with you in your latest blog. Who is it that thinks they can make all the rules and expects us to conform? Probably useless fools.

Nothing upsets me more than someone who thinks we can't think for ourselves. Perhaps they haven't heard of freedom of thought.

To be at odds with other peoples thoughts and ideas is part and parcel of everyday living. The main thing I feel is to be happy and content with your own state of mind - let others worry about theirs.


Di Mackey said...

married with children, AND happy ... uh huh, sure. and i have a bridge to sell you ...

how many days until you are FREE to wander off and go skiing, and when will you be next wandering in europe, oh and how is your camera and did you miss your partner nagging you about spending all that money on yourself ;)

Anonymous said...

People who enforce their wants and views on others are usually not satisfied with their own life. I would suggest to them that they ring 0800 70 5000 and do something positive instead. In fact I might ring that number today myself.