Sunday, May 06, 2007

Rest home reservations

Not a gray hair in sight

I'm looking for a metaphor people! - I want to segue into a story about an old piece of clothing - a favourite shirt or glove that hasn't been worn for a while.
Something that when tried on after a long time, sorta - you know - fits like a glove. Except, you see, it has to more than that, because I wanted to use it as an introduction to a story - a true story. Something important.

North Finchley Girl (NFG) came into my life a week before my 21st birthday. I know this because I invited her as soon as I met her, and IG got really really super pissed with me. In a very short time we made a lasting connection, and also immediately agreed to be friends until we retired to the same Dunedin rest home, where we would spend our salad days throwing pureed food at each other.
Like many friendships forged in the days before running water and electricity, they were made to last. I stayed with her in London, where she taught me to play 500's - a brilliant story in itself if you ask me.
To this day I still remember first meeting up with her at an underground station - I immediately noticed she'd developed a distinctive plum in her accent, but failed to notice she was getting more and more embarrassed, while I was getting more and more animated (and loud) during our conversation on the tube; it seems one does not talk on the tube - one keeps ones business to oneself :)
Always a lot of fun, once in North Finchley, NFG plied me with drinks, accommodation, and enough sightseeing to give Frommer a headache - and for all that I am eternally grateful. My thoughts of London will always be associated with her.
After London, she came back to Auckland, and we unfortunately went our own way in life, but over the years it's honest to say I've thought of her often - and I wondered what she had done with her special brand of madness. I missed my friend.
When I moved to Auckland, it took over a year to face my inner demons and contact her. The trail went cold - and in all honesty after I failed the first time, I was reluctant to try again. When I saw her name at old friends I contacted her via the site, and we arranged to catch up. This meeting was chronicled somewhere here - I just cant find it...anyway...
I've been meaning to catch up with her again, but to be honest a part of me was reluctant. I quickly beat the crap out of the reluctant bit and we finally caught up for dinner tonight.

This is where the bit about the glove would have fitted brilliantly....

In less than 15 seconds, twenty years were gone, and for me it was as if we were those two kids in that underground again. We reaffirmed our commitment to our salad days before heading off to drink wine, and eat pasta. There wasn't a silent moment - we had twenty years to catch up on after all.
At the end of the night it was obvious that there were going to be many more catch ups, because great friends are born of many things, the least of all an undefinable bond that exists for no understandable reason. They just are.


Jay said...

That's a story book friendship - to have it span so many years, so many of them dormant, but always able to just take up where you left off.

Mark J said...

I have to admit it's nice to be that close to someone from such a long time ago. It's a kind of magic, if you believe in that sort of thing. Mind you - I've always believed that some strong friendships seem older than just one lifetime.

Brew King said...


I'm becoming concerned at the growing number of (I assume) women that you refer to as "something" girls. You have by far the most "Gee, you're like the brother I never had" type relationships of any guy I know! If we could just get one of them to shag you on a regular basis then we could leave the melancholy blogs alone for a bit and get back to bagging the cops.

Sorry. Grumpy tonight. Still love you (in a manly way).

Mark J said...

I think youre missing a few points here. If anything this post is very positive - and no matter how much my friendships with women upset you, I refuse to apologise to you for being me.
I dont blog to an audience anymore. My posts are more about me finding my way through a life that may or may not involve a significant other or children. If people enjoy what I write thats fine, but I can't help but think your post is more a relection of your own state of mind than mine.
I hope you're back to feeling your self soon, and yes - you're not so bad yourself (in a manly way).

Anonymous said...

Private thoughts shared on a public forum, I think you should keep that dear diary stuff to yourself and get back to writing entertaining stuff for the great unwashed.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a case of 'change channels if it's not what you like reading'.


Hey blogger, I imagine your anonymous friend is one of those good kiwi blokes who like it all kept close to the chest, a beer and a quick shag every now and again.

Mark J said...

Alright people - nothing to see here - move along please....move along..

Brew King said...

A beer and a quick shag?? Now you're talk'n!!

Anonymous said...

I like the cut of your jib Brew King, you are obviously a mans man.

Brew King said...

Oh no... can open, worms everywhere!

It seems that the role of "embarrassing social gaff-er" has fallen to me now that IG (sorry, anonymous) has retired. So who's for a round of apologies then? I'm buying... [Official press release follows]

It was not my intention to offend anyone. I have come back to this blog after a long absence and was not aware that the direction had changed. I'm a "see a problem - try and fix it" kinda guy and that's where I was headed with my remarks, not as a result of this particular post, rather a response (out of frustration) at the general tone of this blog. I mistook your statements about certain 'unsatisfactory' elements of your life as questions about how to improve them. As I say this was a case of mistaken identity on my part for which I apologise.


Man I talk a lot of crap!

So, in conclusion:

1.Your friendships with women don’t upset me, if you're happy, I'm happy.
2.Reflections of my own state of mind (me thinks he duth protest too much?)... Nah.
3.Private thoughts, public forum. Agree... but it's your blog dude.
4.1+1=2, um, yeah, well... duh.
5. Definately a bottler and all for it. Metaphorically and literally (Not in a Clint Richards way!)
6.Yes. I'm an excellent gib cutter, and a dab hand at putting it up too!

And on that note, I will leave you all in peace.

PS. Anna's having a baby!!!

Mark J said...

Holly cow!!

Anna's having a baby?

But she's so small - the mind boggles!