Monday, February 12, 2007

Movies and me

This is not me

I've just watched "Stranger than Fiction".

Emma Thompson was amazing as always, and although it got a lot of favourable reviews, I was a bit upset with the ending.
Like The Devils Advocate - I cant help but wonder if cutting the last 2 minutes wouldn't have made a much more satisfying movie, albeit a lot less Hollywood.
Fonmeister would say that it appealed to my sense of melancholy - and to that I would have to fix her with my best wry smile, and dismiss it out of hand.

More about Fonmeister when I'm feeling a little more creative - right now I don't think I could do her justice. :)

And that would not be fair - oh no it wouldn't....


Anonymous said...

the web that we weave
but not to deceive
is a beauty to view
if we could but see

our lives are the threads
their means to an end
and where the treads join
we make some new friends

though one day we stop
and wander no more
some others will start
to continue the score

the collage we build
but never will finish
will always improve
and never diminish......

musings of a poet MJ 1991 :)

Mark J said...

Where was that gagging order I had against you in the 80's - "To the bat-filing cabinet Robin!"