Sunday, August 03, 2008

Shaken, not stirred if one million souls cried out in
torment and were suddenly silenced...

I had the most bizarre experience yesterday.
In the middle of the mall around 2pm, I was overcome by what I can only imagine was a feeling of extreme grief and sadness.
Although the feeling ebbed as the day passed, I can tell you one thing - it really, really freaked me out.
It was as if I connected with someone or something else, and for this "by the numbers" kid, I can assure you there's no fitting that particular square peg in this round hole.
Whatever the reason, I hope it wasn't up to me to delve deeper and phone everyone I know to see all was well with them. That would be admitting to a type of crazy I've yet to identify with, although some might think differently....


Niamh said...

I had a traumatic digestive experience around 2pm yesterday. Could this explain it?

Mark J said...

Truly, we may have bonded :)

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

OK 2pm for you was 4am for me...nope wasn't me, I was in the land of nod...