Monday, March 03, 2008

More Marrow Me

I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately.
I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life,
to put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die,
discover that I had not lived.

- Henry David Thoreau.

Gotta love that marrow!

In truth however, of late, I feel more like someone has been secretly sucking marrow out of me. I'm certain it will pass, but it's almost like life has turned down the "colour knob" just a tad. I've definitely noticed the shift in hue, and I'm actively looking to be happier, but something is missing still.

And to the God of Consumerism - I have sinned: It has been two weeks since my last purchase.
Here I am, hoping it's not that superficial a malaise :)


Jacie said...

so empathise with you - was only saying last night that life was getting too monochrome and I prefer technicolour. I feel like every door I knock on right now is being shut in my face and the more I search for what's missing the more elusive it becomes! Thanks for adding me to 6 word memoir it was very thought-provoking (as indeed you always are). Sending some happy thoughts your way - hope they reach you soon....

ren powell said...

You're still here! (just crawling out of a data hole-procrastinating yet again). I hope your color saturates soon. What a wonderful photo you found. I am going to print it out and make a flash card of it. Take it to my shrink when I am too low to talk.


Mark J said...

Thanks Guys.
It's nice to get such warm comments :)