Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Feels like a Friday

Here I sit - work computer in front of me, and it's insulting me with its Pre SP2 XP-ness. I am in the computing Mesozoic and I miss my iMac.
I endure the grating chime on startup, and the sound of a steam roller on gravel as the hard disk churns just for me. I feel a pang of sorrow for the little green led that blinks in tune with the hard drive din - it must be so tired - it never stops.

How much RAM do you need god dammit?
Always more, Solutions Support tell me; Zombies in disguise - I can hear it in their voices.

The hourglass turns, promising progress, but at what price? My sanity?
Success! No blue screen of death today thank you.

All this effort to log on and say I'm off to Melbourne for a long weekend - and will miss you all.

It was totally worthwhile :)

1 comment:

ren powell said...

A very long weekend? Darn. It thought you were going to answer my ram questions.